September 2014

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It's the nature of commodities that if consumption and production does not change then the value would reflect the rate of inflation so yes it's likely to be higher in 25 years.


Components of a computer system

S NO Assessment statement Grade Teacher’s notes
1 Define the terms: hardware, software,peripheral, network, human resources.    
2 Describe the roles that a computer can take in a networked world.   Roles include client, server, email server, DNS server, router and firewall.
3 Discuss the social and ethical issues associated with a networked world.   AIM 8, AIM 9 Develop an appreciation of the social and ethical issues associated with continued
developments in computer systems.

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System design and analysis

S NO Assessment statement Grade Teacher’s notes
1  Identify the relevant stakeholders when planning a new system.   S/E The role of the end-user must be considered when planning a new system.
Who is a relevant stakeholder?
TOK Utilitarianism, the greatest good for the greatest number. The means justify the ends.
2 Describe methods of obtaining requirements from stakeholders.   Including surveys, interviews, direct observations. AIM 5 The need for effective collaboration to obtain appropriate information from stakeholders. S/E The question of privacy for stakeholders.
3 Describe appropriate techniques for gathering the information needed to arrive at a workable solution.   Examining current systems, competing products, organizational capabilities, literature searches. S/E Intellectual property.
4 Construct suitable representations to illustrate system requirements.   Examples include: system flow charts, data flow diagrams, structure chart. UML is not required. LINK Flow chart symbols, flow charts and pseudocode.
5 Describe the purpose of prototypes to demonstrate the proposed system to the client.   AIM 5 The need to effectively collaborate to gather appropriate information to resolve complex problems. AIM 6 To develop logical and critical thinking to develop proposed systems.
6 Discuss the importance of iteration during the design process.   MYP Design cycle.
7 Explain the possible consequences of failing to involve the end-user in the design process.   S/E The failure to involve the enduser may lead to software that is not suitable for its intended use, which may have adverse effects on user productivity. AIM 5 The need for effective collaboration and communication between the client, developer and end-user.
8 Discuss the social and ethical issues associated with the introduction of new IT systems.   AIM 8, AIM 9 Develop an appreciation of the social and ethical issues associated with continued developments in specified computer systems.

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Describe strategies for managing releases and updates

S NO Assessment statement Grade Teacher’s notes
1 Describe strategies for managing releases and updates.   Students should be aware of a variety of ways in which updates and patches are made available and
deployed. This includes automatic updates received on a regular basis online.
S/E, INT Performance issues related to the inability to install updates may hinder end-users and reduce
compatibility between systems in geographically diverse locations.

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System backup

S NO Assessment statement Grade Teacher’s notes
1  Identify a range of causes of data loss.   Causes include malicious activities and natural disasters.
S/E Malicious activity may be a result of activities by employees within the organization or intruders.
2 Outline the consequences of data loss in a specified situation.   S/E Loss of medical records,cancellation of a hotel reservation without the knowledge of the traveller.
3 Describe a range of methods that can be used to prevent data loss.   These should include failover systems, redundancy, removable media, offsite/online storage.

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Usability, its issues and how to improve accessibility

S NO Assessment statement Grade Teacher’s notes
1 Define the term usability.   S/E This includes ergonomics and accessibility.
2 Identify a range of usability problems with commonly used digital devices.   S/E Students should be aware of usability issues in a range of devices including PCs, digital cameras, cell phones, games consoles, MP3 players and other commonly used digital devices.
3 Identify methods that can be used to improve the accessibility of systems.   S/EExamples include touch screen, voice recognition, text-to-speech, Braille keyboard.
4 Identify a range of usability problems that can occur in a system.   S/E These should be related to the systems. Systems include ticketing, online payroll, scheduling, voice recognition, systems that provide feedback
5 Discuss the moral, ethical, social, economic and environmental implications of the interaction between humans and machines.   AIM 8 Raise awareness of the moral, ethical, social, economic and environmental implications of using science and technology.

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User documentation and training

S NO Assessment statement Grade Teacher’s notes
1  Describe the importance of user documentation.   S/E The quality of user documentation can affect the rate of implementation of the new system.
2 Evaluate different methods of providing user documentation.   Examples should include methods such as: help files, online support and printed manuals.
S/E The quality of user documentation can affect the rate of implementation of the new system.
3 Evaluate different methods of delivering user training.   Examples should include selfinstruction,formal classes, remote/online training.
S/E The quality of the delivery ofuser training can affect the rate of implementation of the new system.

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Technology Curriculum

Systems in Organizations:

System design basics followed by the column system assessments


Web Science

Object-oriented programming


Computational thinking, Problem-solving and Programming

Connecting computational thinking and Program design

Introduction to programming

Abstract data structures

Resource Management


Modelling and Simulation

Computer Organization

Planning and system installation

Assessment statement
Teacher’s notes
Identify the context for which a new system is planned.
The extent and limitations of a new system should be appreciated. Organizational issues related to the installation of new systems such as user roles, underlying technologies.