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1.1 |
Arithmetic sequences and series; sum of finite arithmetic series; geometric sequences and series; sum of finite and infinite geometric series. Sigma notation. Applications. |
Sequences can be generated and displayed in several ways, including recursive functions. Link infinite geometric series with limits of convergence in 6.1. Examples include compound interest and population growth. |
- Int: The chess legend (Sissa ibn Dahir).
- Int: Aryabhatta is sometimes considered the “father of algebra”. Compare with al-Khawarizmi.
- Int: The use of several alphabets in mathematical notation (eg first term and common difference of an arithmetic sequence).
- TOK: Mathematics and the knower. To what extent should mathematical knowledge be consistent with our intuition?
- TOK: Mathematics and the world. Some mathematical constants ( π , e, φ , Fibonacci numbers) appear consistently in nature. What does this tell us about mathematical knowledge?
- TOK: Mathematics and the knower. How is mathematical intuition used as a basis for formal proof? (Gauss’ method for adding up integers from 1 to 100.)
- Aim 8: Short-term loans at high interest rates. How can knowledge of mathematics result in individuals being exploited or protected from extortion?
- Appl: Physics 7.2, 13.2 (radioactive decay and nuclear physics).
1.2 |
- Exponents and logarithms.
- Laws of exponents; laws of logarithms.
- Change of base.
Exponents and logarithms are further developed in 2.4. |
- Appl: Chemistry 18.1, 18.2 (calculation of pH and buffer solutions).
- TOK: The nature of mathematics and science. Were logarithms an invention or discovery? (This topic is an opportunity for teachers and students to reflect on “the nature of mathematics”.)
1.3 |
Counting principles, including permutations and combinations.
The binomial theorem: expansion of (a + b)n , n ∈ N Not required:
- Permutations where some objects are identical.
- Circular arrangements.
- Proof of binomial theorem.
The ability to find using both the formula and technology is expected. Link to 5.4.
Link to 5.6, binomial distribution. .
- TOK: The nature of mathematics. The unforeseen links between Pascal’s triangle, counting methods and the coefficients of polynomials. Is there an underlying truth that can be found linking these?
- Int: The properties of Pascal’s triangle were known in a number of different cultures long before Pascal (eg the Chinese mathematician Yang Hui).
How many different tickets are possible in a lottery? What does this tell us about the ethics of selling lottery tickets to those who do not understand the implications of these large numbers?
1.4 |
Proof by mathematical induction. |
Links to a wide variety of topics, for example, complex numbers, differentiation, sums of series and divisibility. |
- TOK: Nature of mathematics and science. What are the different meanings of induction in mathematics and science?
- TOK: Knowledge claims in mathematics. Do proofs provide us with completely certain knowledge?
- TOK: Knowledge communities. Who judges the validity of a proof?
1.5 |
- Complex numbers: the number
; the terms real part, imaginary part, conjugate, modulus and argument.
- Cartesian form z = a + ib .
- Sums, products and quotients of complex numbers.
When solving problems, students may need to use technology. |
- Appl: Concepts in electrical engineering. Impedance as a combination of resistance and reactance; also apparent power as a combination of real and reactive powers. These combinations take the form z = a + ib .
- TOK: Mathematics and the knower. Do the words imaginary and complex make the concepts more difficult than if they had different names?
- TOK: The nature of mathematics. Has “i” been invented or was it discovered?
- TOK: Mathematics and the world. Why does “i” appear in so many fundamental laws of physics?
1.6 |
Modulus–argument (polar) form The complex plane. |
is also known as Euler’s form.
- The ability to convert between forms is expected
- The complex plane is also known as the Argand diagram.
- Appl: Concepts in electrical engineering. Phase angle/shift, power factor and apparent power as a complex quantity in polar form.
- TOK: The nature of mathematics. Was the complex plane already there before it was used to represent complex numbers geometrically?
- TOK: Mathematics and the knower. Why might it be said that eiπ + 1 = 0 is beautiful?
1.7 |
- Powers of complex numbers: de Moivre’s theorem.
- nth roots of a complex number.
Proof by mathematical induction for n ∈ Z+ . |
- TOK: Reason and mathematics. What is mathematical reasoning and what role does proof play in this form of reasoning? Are there examples of proof that are not mathematical?
1.8 |
- Conjugate roots of polynomial equations with real coefficients.
1.9 |
- Solutions of systems of linear equations (a maximum of three equations in three unknowns), including cases where there is a unique solution, an infinity of solutions or no solution
- These systems should be solved using both algebraic and technological methods, eg row reduction.
- Systems that have solution(s) may be referred to as consistent.
- When a system has an infinity of solutions, a general solution may be required.
- Link to vectors in 4.7.
- TOK: Mathematics, sense, perception and reason. If we can find solutions in higher dimensions, can we reason that these spaces exist beyond our sense perception?