- Gravitational fields
- Electrostatic fields
- Electric potential and gravitational potential
- Field lines
- Equipotential surfaces
Applications and skills:
- Representing sources of mass and charge, lines of electric and gravitational force, and field patterns using an appropriate symbolism
- Mapping fields using potential
- Describing the connection between equipotential surfaces and field lines
Theory of knowledge:
- Although gravitational and electrostatic forces decrease with the square of distance and will only become zero at infinite separation, from a practical standpoint they become negligible at much smaller distances. How do scientists decide when an effect is so small that it can be ignored?
- Knowledge of vector analysis is useful for this sub-topic (see Physics sub-topic 1.3)
- Aim 9: models developed for electric and gravitational fields using lines of forces allow predictions to be made but have limitations in terms of the finite width of a line