Communication modelling and simulation

S NO Assessment statement Grade Teacher’s notes
1 Outline the use of genetic algorithms.   Genetic algorithms develop the solution to a problem by starting with a random set of solutions and repeatedly using a subset of these to generate a better one. Students need to be familiar with the term fitness function. Examples are those where the suitability of the solutions can be measured, for example the travelling salesman problem.
2 Outline the structure of neural networks.   Students need to understand that neural networks are based on the knowledge of biological networks, but they will not be examined on the relationship. A simple block diagram showing inputs, hidden units and outputs and a brief is sufficient detail. LINK Connecting computational thinking and program.
3 Compare applications that use neural network modelling.   Examples include speech recognition, optical character recognition, natural language processing.
4 Compare different ways in which neural networks can be used to recognize patterns.   The concepts of supervised and unsupervised learning should be applied to the examples above and to any clearly explained example presented in the examination, as should the importance of genetic algorithms. MYP Mathematics: forms of numbers, algebra—patterns and sequences, logic, algorithms. LINK Connecting computational thinking and program.
5 Identify the key structures of natural language.   The terms noun, verb, syntax and semantics should be understood.
6 Discuss the differences between human and machine learning when related to language.   Using knowledge, such as the syntax of a language, leads to an appreciation of the difficulties involved in machine language learning. Students should be familiar with the concept of cognitive learning and the use of heuristics and probabilities in machine learning. TOK How can a machine know how it learns?
7 Outline the evolution of modern machine translators.    
8 Describe the role of chatbots to simulate conversation.   Students should be encouraged to use and analyse such standards as Eliza, Alice and Jabberwacky (as well as any more recent acknowledged ones) to compare conversations. AIM 9 An appreciation of the possibilities associated with continued developments in computer systems. MYP Technology: software such as Alice.
9 Discuss the latest advances in natural language processing.   AIM 9 An appreciation of the possibilities associated with continued developments in computer systems.

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